September Travels
Most of the events I do are in the Austin area. There are plenty of local corporate activities and house parties to keep me busy. This month, however, is keeping me on the road!
Labor Day weekend saw me producing a series of late night programs for a local convention. We brought in performers from Las Vegas, Arkansas, and Baltimore to give people some after dark spookiocity. It was all very well received. Here is me with Lucy Darling, a performer who has been featured at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.

Then, I went to Lewisville, Texas, and participated in the Arcane Relics Summit, an event for creators and performance artists who tend toward the weird side. My people! I enjoyed a number of presentations and performances and even shared some of my own style as I was the opening show for the event. Below I’m volunteering for one of the performers at great personal risk. I made some excellent connections and have even been inspired to begin research for leading my own ghost tours. Look for more about that later on.

There was no rest for the wicked as I came back and immediately jumped into September’s edition of Ravencraft’s Vault of Horror. I got to wear this amazing mask, custom made for me by JP Provins of JP and DM Creations. We celebrated Vincent Price, Roger Corman and Edgar Allen Poe with our very own Plague Party screening.

Of course, from here, I’m preparing for the 2nd Annual Paranormal Conference in San Antonio where we’ll be making our final sales of tickets for the Paranormal Weekend in Bartlet. In between are some private and corporate events, weekly broadcasts of Witch Hat Chats and more!
Then comes October… Do you have your time reserved? Contact me now or your opportunity will be gone.