Aging newspaper clippings overlayed with the words "World Weird News"

World Weird News

Saul wrote a regular blog for the world famous Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas where he highlighted strange news of the day. Later, the Museum found its audience was better reached by doing simpler social media posts. Saul continues to support these, but he misses doing some of the more in-depth looks at weird things in the world. Here you will find some of the strange news that comes through Saul’s crystal ball and his editorial take on the matter. Some of it will be celebrating strange stories from the past. Some will be as fresh as yesterday. See the latest stories below.

Lucky Boobs

Lucky Boobs

It sounds like an episode of Bevis and Butthead, but in Lom Sak, Phetchabun, a northeastern Thailand village, more than 100 people participated in a special ceremony inspired by a couple of termite mounds which took the shape of enormous breasts. (Insert juvenile laughter here.) Janpheng, the 57-year-old owner of the land noticed ...

Sharing your house with the “others”

Sharing your house with the "others"

From time to time people will talk to me about dealing with spirit activity in their homes. My first question is always what they want. Banishment is not always the answer. If a spirit is malevolent and disruptive getting it to move on may be the only choice.

In a startling discovery, PhD Candidate, Tim Richards, from the University of Queensland in Australia, analyzed the fossil of a jaw, discovered on Wanamara Country, near Richmond in North West Queensland. It is the largest specimen of flying reptile ever discovered in Australia.

This truly “terrible lizard” would ...

Hard to know who to root for

Hard to know who to root for

According to Anxiety House, Arachnophobia, fear of spiders, and Ophidiophobia,fear of snakes, are the two most common phobias. So, when you have a case of spider vs. serpent, who do you root for?

It is said that Australia is the land where everything in nature wants ...

Dowsing on the rise in California

Dowsing on the rise in California

Coast to Coast AM reports that due to the drought in California, that many are turning to dowsing to find water. Dowsing is using the motion of tools such as a Y-shaped stick, L-shaped rods, or pendulums, to find information. In the case of the “water witches,” dowsing is ...