You will be a guest for the Spirit Sessions to be held at Victoria’s Black Swan Inn on Saturday, the 24th of August, 2019. Your PayPal receipt will be your ticket.

Preparing For the event
- If possible, come well rested. You should not be hungry or inebriated.
- We are celebrating the spiritualism culture of the 19th century, so feel free to dress up for the occasion. Bear in mind that you will be walking on uneven terrain and that you will be in an old building with limited climate control. Sensible shoes and comfortable clothes are recommended. (You can be comfortable and stylish!)
- This will not be a “ghost hunt.” You are welcome to bring photographic and recording equipment, but you don’t want to be stuck to your gadgets. Connection happens through the mind and through the senses. Be prepared to be open and have fun with it all.

Getting to Victoria’s Black Swan Inn
Victoria’s Black Swan Inn is located at 1006 Holbrook Rd, San Antonio, TX 78218. Most navigation systems will want to take you down Rittiman Rd to get to us, but don’t believe it! Construction has had that way blocked for months with no end in site. To save yourself frustration, use the route that takes Eisenhauer Rd to Holbrook Rd. You can see the map here.
You will be contacted
You will receive an email confirmation separate from your payment confirmation. It will remind you of these details and anything else that may be special for your night.
We are so glad that you are joining us!